Thursday, June 11, 2015

What is the most popular (actual) answers in Jeopardy?

Hi all,

My fiancée and I are snobs, so we've gotten into the habit of watching Jeopardy when we get home. So imagine my excitement when I came across this data set from u/trexmatt on reddit.

Some technical details. Data comes from 3640 shows from 1984-2012 (does contains some holes though) and consists of 216930 individual answers. Types of answers (Countries, Politicial/Historical Leaders, etc...) group into colors for fun. I apologize for the less-ideal color scheme... I'm going to work on that.
Most popular correct (ie: actual) answers in Jeopardy from 1984-2012 (click to zoom)
(EDIT: I changed the color palette for easier viewing)


PS: Yes I know that technically, these are questions (ie: "What is China?"), but it's still less confusing if I call these answers.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Federal Cost of School Food Program Data

Hi all,

I don't have much time today, so I'm just going to post data regarding the federal cost of The School Food Program from 1969 to 2014.

Federal Cost of the School Food Program adjusted for inflation (click to Zoom)

PS: If someone could explain what "special milk" is, I would really appreciate it.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Proportion of women and men in leading roles for Hollywood movies.

Hi all,

Sexism in Hollywood has become a hot topic these days. Stories like these and opinion pieces like these are all too common.

I recently came upon a interesting data set which gives the relative order in which each character appears in the credits for each movie (among other interesting data which I didn't include here). Technical note: This data set includes 9035 characters from 617 movies. However, sex and credit position was available only for 2298 characters and isn't complete for the majority of the movies. As far as I can tell, there isn't any obvious bias towards action (male oriented) vs. romance movies (female oriented). Feel free to criticize the analysis or give suggestions for interpreting the data differently.

When I calculated the relative appearance of each sex for each credit position, it's clear that there's a huge male dominance for the first position (>80%) and a general skewing (~%60) towards men in positions #3-10. Oddly enough, second position is evenly split between men and women.

Relative proportion of Women and Men in the credit order for 617 movies (click to zoom)
Raw numbers for each position

In conclusion, the data definitely supports the idea that men are way over-represented in leading roles in hollywood movies.

Beautiful clip of the Vancouver Seabus

This post has nothing to do with Data, but please take a look at this beautiful clip made by someone near and dear to me.


Thursday, June 4, 2015

US viewers per episode of Friends

Hi all,

Since my fiance loves Friends (I suppose I do as well), I decided to plot out the amount of viewers per episode. I don't think anyone's perspective on life will be changed by this graph, but I think it's still fun.

American Viewers per Episode of Friends (Click to zoom)

Note that this is only American viewers, and empty spaces imply a double episode.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

NHL cup winners take the least amount of penalties.

So let's get this puck rolling.

My favorite hockey team is good in their own right, but they generally take way too many stupid penalties. Drives me crazy. But then I started thinking maybe it's worth it... so I decided to look into it. 

First, I checked the average per game penalty minutes for each year and for each team:

Damn, what was going in the 80s?

Okay, let's compare teams which get into the playoffs versus those that get a head start on the golf seasons:

Pretty cool. So in the early 90s, it seems that that taking penalties correlates with getting into the playoffs, but that this changed a decade later... I wonder why.

Now, what about the Cup winners? Let's see.

The first thing we see is that having a team of goons in the 1950s-70s was definitely an advantage. However, in the more recent era, this flipped (early 2000s excluded) and Cup winners actually got a lot less penalties.

I think I'll send this to my team.


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